Europeana Awareness – promotion of Europeana services through a large network of partners

The three-year project led by the Europeana Foundation brought together 48 partners from 29 European countries. As the only partner from Serbia, the Belgrade City Library collaborated on the realization of two out of six project work packages. The project was implemented from the beginning of 2012 to the end of 2014.

The project aimed to promote the Europeana portal to all users, from politicians who create cultural policies to ordinary citizens, through a large partner network, as well as to establish partnerships and encourage cultural institutions to upload their collections to the portal.

The most important activity in which the BCL participated in the project was the realization of the Mobilizing Memory event. It is about collecting memorabilia (objects, photographs, letters, stationery, war diaries, decorations) and stories (family memories) from the period of the First World War. Over 80 citizens participated in the action. Roughly 400 items arrived at the Library, which were photographed or scanned by experts on the spot, thus supplementing and enriching the unique electronic European archive dedicated to World War I – Europeana 1914-1918 (, which contains recorded family histories of residents from the 18 European countries.

Project website:

Project value: 610,000,000.00 dinars
Realization period: 2012-2014
Donor: European Union