In the room of self-portraits: 2016
Exhibition design:
Amalija Vitezović
Women's portraits and feminist counter-public (1920 - 1941)
Amalija Vitezović
Women's portraits and feminist counter-public (1920 - 1941)
The exhibition is based on the doctoral dissertation of Stanislava Barać. It arose from decades of studies of Serbian (literary) periodicals at the Institute for Literature and Art, and especially the study of women’s magazines, because women’s and feminist magazines in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and then in Yugoslavia, played a key role in the interwar feminist movement.
Thirty-six posters present the beginnings and development of women’s magazines, which were increasingly started and created by women: starting with magazines representing prehistory (“Žena”, “Srpkinja”, “Javor”), through feminophile magazines “Misao”, “Nova Evropa”, “Život i rad” in which Jela Spiridonović Savić, Ksenija Atanasijević, Milica Janković collaborated, and “Nova žena” and “Ženski pokret” (Aleksandra Kolontaj) to the magazines “Jednakost”, “Jugoslovenska žena”, “Žena danas” and “Žena i svet”. Along with the brief history of the magazine’s creation and development, numerous female portraits are also presented on the billboards: Suzanne Valadon, Kate Kollwitz, Marie Curie, Selma Lagerlof, Olimpijada Pupin, Nasta Rojc.
Today, magazines and newspapers are seen as first-class documents of epochs and social movements. It is common to find them as parts of a wide variety of exhibition settings, especially those of a historiographical character. Increasingly, periodicals have become the main subject of an exhibition. It is the same in this case.
The exhibition was realized with the support of the Center for the Promotion of Science.
The exhibition can be viewed here.