Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in Serbian culture: 2011
Exhibition design:
Snežana Rajković
Snežana Rajković
The exhibition was prepared for the Days of Serbian Culture in Russia in 2011, which were jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. It was exhibited in Moscow and Saint Petersburg in October and November 2011, with an astonishing number of visitors. It aroused the great interest of Russians in Serbian culture. The exhibition consists of 30 posters in Russian and Serbian, measuring 100×70 cm.
The author tried to provide a comprehensive presentation of the reception of the two greatest Russian writers in Serbia while also researching the translation, printing, criticism, theatre, film, social and educational activities of Serbs related to L. N. Tolstoy and F. M. Dostoevsky from the middle of the 19th and throughout the 20th century. This exhibition also reveals the little-known, direct connections between the two great Russian writers and the Serbian people: the genealogy of Tolstoy’s descendants, emigrants in Serbia, Tolstoy’s plaque as an honorary member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, private correspondence and association with certain Serbs (Tolstoy’s correspondence with Anja, the sister of Nadežda and Rastko Petrović) as well as their thoughts about the Serbian people (Dostoevsky’s writings about the Serbs in “A Writer’s Diary”).
The exhibition was shown in the Atrium Gallery of the Belgrade City Library (2012), at the Belgrade Book Fair (2015), in the Russian Corner at the Public Libraries in Kragujevac and Niš (2020). In 2021, when the 200th anniversary of Dostoyevsky’s birth was celebrated, the exhibition was shown in libraries, cultural centres and associations of Russian-Serbian friendship in Serbia (Novi Sad, Vršac, Kladovo, Lazarevac, Novi Bečej, Kikinda, Irig, Čačak), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Banja Luka, Trebinje, Bileća, East Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Lopare) and Croatia (Krka monastery).