Users of the Belgrade City Library can be all citizens of Serbia and foreign citizens. Each user can become a member, in person, by showing an identity card or passport, and foreign citizens with a passport and in accordance with the Rulebook on the conditions, manner of use and protection of library materials of the Belgrade City Library. Citizens of Serbia under the age of 18 are registered with an ID card or with the ID card of one of the parents/guardians. By registering and obtaining a membership card, each user acquires the right to use all the holdings and services of the Belgrade City Library network.
The annual individual membership fee is:
adults: 2500 rsd
students: 1500 rsd
high school students (from 14 to 18 years old): 1200 rsd
children from the 5th grade of elementary school up to 14 years: 100 dinars.
foreign citizens: 5000 rsd
foreign citizens – students: 2500 rsd
The membership fee is valid for one year from the date of membership.
Special discounts are available for collective membership of 30 or more people through special contracts of companies and institutions with BCL.
Special discounts are granted for individual membership:
unemployed persons: 1000 din.
senior citizens (up to 65 years old): 1000 din.
students withISIC card: 600 din.
young people with EYCA card: 800 din.
People over the age of 65 are entitled to a free permanent membership card.
Enrollment requires the following:
identity card or passport
150 dinars (costs of issuing a permanent membership card)
photo 3.5 x 3 cm
Free membership
The following are entitled to free membership:
children, from birth to completion of the fourth grade of primary school
pregnant women
voluntary blood donors, for the year in which they are voluntary donors (with a certificate or identity document about donating blood)
people with disabilities and special needs
persons with combatant status
persons older than 65
persons who are awarded honorary membership
Your membership card
Each user receives a membership card upon registration. The membership fee is valid for one year from the date of registration. A membership card can be issued for a month for the use of the Library’s reading rooms, including the library materials stored in them. One becomes a member of the Library by paying the prescribed membership fee and obtaining a membership card. When joining, it is necessary to show valid documents (identity card, refugee identification card, identification card of refugees and displaced persons, and passport and residence registration for foreign citizens).
The membership card is not transferable to another person.
If the user loses the membership card, he/she is obliged to report it to the Library, which will issue a duplicate with appropriate compensation.
Every member of the Library is obliged to comply with the Rulebook on the conditions, manner of use and protection of library materials.
Borrowing Items
With a membership card, users can borrow library materials from all departments and libraries in the Belgrade City Library network.
A member can borrow up to ten books or other library materials for a period of 20 days. The deadline for borrowing materials can be extended by another 20 days. The deadline for returning required school reading, reserved books and non-book materials cannot be extended.
You can submit a request for an extension of the deadline for returning books in person, by phone or by sending an email to the library where the material was borrowed.
You can also extend the term for borrowing materials online, through your user profile within the BISIS e-catalogue.
For books that are not returned on time, an overdue fine will be charged for each day of delay, as prescribed in the Price List.
Reference literature and periodicals cannot be issued for use outside the Library.
A member who, for justified reasons, is unable to borrow materials may, based on a statement of consent and written authorization, permit another person to do so on his behalf.
If the book or digital material you want to borrow is currently unavailable, you can reserve it.
You can make a reservation for the currently issued publication:
- through your user profile within the e-catalog BISIS,
- in person at the library, or
- by sending an email to the email address of the library where you want to make a reservation.
We will inform you about the reserved material’s arrival by phone or email. You can pick up the reserved material within three days, after which the reservation will be cancelled.
If you reserve the material by email, it is necessary to submit the following information: first and last name of the author, title of the book, signature, validity period (the date until which you want your reservation to be valid), your first and last name and membership card number.
The Belgrade City Library has a large number of reading rooms in the Central Library building at Knez Mihailova 56, as well as in most of its branch libraries. In all reading rooms, it is possible to use your own books and the Library's materials. You can view the list of reading places in the BCL network HERE .
General Reference Literature Reading Room
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM Saturday: 8AM–2PM
Knez Mihailova 56 Belgrade 011/20 24 011
The General Reference Literature Reading Room offers its users 34 seats equipped for the use of portable computers and other electronic equipment.
The General Reference Literature Reading Room has a collection of 10,000 reference titles, dictionaries, encyclopedias, lexicons, manuals, etc.
The Arts Department Reading Room is located on the second floor of the Belgrade City Library at Knez Mihailova 56. The Arts Department Reading Room offers its users 64 seats and occupies an area of about 250 m².
The specific and unique collection is open to all Library users and contains over 18,000 publications on various subjects such as fine and applied arts, music, photography, theatre, film, archaeology and ethnology.
The Periodicals Reading Rooms are located at Studentski trg 19. There are two reading rooms: the scientific reading room and the daily newspapers reading room. The scientific reading room has 20 seats and more than 20,000 volumes of the most diverse serial publications, which cover all areas of creativity in Serbia. The daily newspapers reading room has five seats where users can read more than 20 titles of daily and weekly newspapers and magazines.
Local History Department Reading Room
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM Saturday: 8AM–2PM
Zmaj Jovina 1 / II floor Belgrade 011/26 36 266
The Department for Old and Rare Books and Books on Belgrade - Local History Department is located on the second floor of thea Belgrade City Library building in Zmaj Jovina 1. Users have access to a vast book collection dedicated to Belgrade, as well as old and rare books. The reading room has five seats and one user computer.
Children of preschool age up to the 4th grade of elementary school Students of the first grade of elementary school Pregnant women Voluntary blood donors People with disabilities and special needs People over 65 years of age Persons with combatant status
150 din. (the costs of making a permanent library card for 65+)